Leann is an awesome coach in my community, and I'm so glad she was willing to write a guest post for me! If you've read my story, you know that I took a drastic jump. That would not have been possible without hiring a career coach. I still talk to my coach regularly as I navigate life as a business owner. Read her story and consider hiring a career coach if you can resonate with either of our stories. I can help you find room in the budget for those services. Without further ado, here's Leann!
Covid 19 and overwhelm provided time for people to fully consider if their current
occupation is in line with their values, and if it is still serving a purpose in their
For me, the pandemic was a wake-up call that I was definitely not in alignment
with my values and that working like a dog was no longer serving my purpose. I
was working in the legal field when the pandemic hit and shut down most
everything. Unfortunately for the staff at the law firm where I was working, it
didn’t mean we would be working from home, it was completely the opposite. We
were forced to continue working as before. The strain, stress, fear, uncertainty, and
self-judgment were part of what led to my overwhelm, anxiety, depression, and
panic. Also at the same time, the firm accepted 15 cases, all active litigation and
we were expected to be on our A-game. I was not, not just because of the
overwhelm but also because these cases caused a trauma trigger I was unable to
handle. I requested accommodation and was denied. The work needed to be done
and I was told to deal with it. “It’s just a motion”, or “It’s just a hearing”, in these
cases, they were far from “just” anything. I wasn’t sleeping, I was crying all the
time, nauseous all the time, and headaches, memory loss, and brain fog were
I quit twice and let guilt and self-judgment pull me right back until one day I found
myself on the floor of my cubicle fearing all of my case binders were going to fall
on me. I quit that day, that was June of 2021. I had been a legal assistant, paralegal
and office manager for 13 years but when I finally realized I wasn’t living into my
values and what I truly wanted in life, was I able to make the leap without regret. I
realized that what I thought I would be doing, helping people, was not what I was
doing. I worked in defense, defense is a mix of defending people’s behaviors and
mitigating their damages. Ugly! I realized this job was sucking every bit of light
and happiness right out of me. When I was hired one of the partners commented
that I was like sunshine. I was until I wasn’t. You wouldn’t even recognize me
when I left, I allowed them to extinguish my light.
Now there was nothing holding me back from creating the new life I wanted. I
want to help people, and now more than ever, I want to provide people with a
roadmap for taking control of their lives and making space for what’s new.
That job that you walk into where there is a pit in your stomach, when all you do is
gripe to your friends and family about how miserable you are. That is your energy being depleted by negative thoughts, by the voices in your head telling you that
you can’t leave and, you have bills, kids, and responsibilities. Don’t waste another
year spinning in the energy vortex, your body knows, and your spirit knows. I
didn’t only do this once, I changed careers in my 30’s after a long career in
accounting. I went to college and obtained an associate's degree and bachelor's
degree and changed careers just like that. Was it easy, no, but I did it.
Let Go
You have held on to things that are no longer serving you, holding on for dear life
to what you already know, uncertainty, discomfort, and guilt. I had achieved
financial success, I was making the most money I have ever made but it came at a
cost. Another thing I realized through all of this is that my financial success
achievement didn’t equal love or acceptance. I was disconnected from my family
and friends, I didn’t have time to enjoy life, I just worked and worked. Money
doesn’t buy happiness.
As a Certified Health and Life coach I also coach people on their relationships,
their spirituality, and their careers. Usually when people are off in one area of life,
they are off in most or all areas of life.
I changed my focus from what was holding me back to what is the BEST thing that
could happen? If I could do one thing that I knew I couldn’t fail, what would it be?
And most importantly, it’s not about you, it’s about the impact you are about to
make. For the first time in my life, I am living for my passion, not my obligation.
Through coaching, I help people transform fear and access their truth, and embody
their personal power to go forth into the world to create the career that they want. I
guide them to discover their life purpose, to discover which areas in their career are
calling to be nourished. I teach skills and provide tools to help people de-stress so
they can access more creativity and ideas that can help move them forward, I
empower them to ask for what they want and get it. I will support and cheer them
on and stretch them out of their comfort zone while challenging them to get
Don’t limit yourself to a dollar amount, dream huge.
Why is transition so hard? Are you holding on to a dream life but stuck in
uncertainty? Do you need a path for change? A roadmap to help you identify what
you want and how-to get there? I am here to inspire people to step into full
alignment in every area of life with who they want to be. Holding on to the old
keeps you stuck. Stop prolonging the pain. Have a dream and every day show up
and do one thing that will take you closer to achieving the career you want. I am
meant for more, and so are you.
To learn more about Leann and her services, visit her website: